Word helper

This tool/app was developed to assist non-native English-speaking students enrolled in MOOC courses (edX, Coursera, Udacity, etc). Simply paste the text or subtitles from your lecture into the text area. Mark words you know and quickly define unfamiliar words.

Stop interrupting your education by looking every new word in the dictionary. Instead use real-time translation provided by Word helper.

If you want to see additional features, do not hesitate to leave feedback with your feature request.

This tool is intended for help study on MOOC systems like edX, Coursera, Udacity, non native english speaking student. Just take subtitles for lection, cut-and-paste into textarea, then you can add words to your known list and check words that meanings you are not sure.
Name: qublo/wordhelper
Manufactured by: qublo
Price: 0 New